Adspace is the space on a website that is available for placing ads.
Adwords is a paid search advertising program run by Google.
Affiliate is someone who promotes a product or service on behalf of a merchant and earns a commission doing so.
Article Marketing is the process of submittimg articles to article directories with the intention of generating free traffic to websites via information included in the bio or resource box.
Autoresponders can be described as automatic email response programs.
Bandwidth is the amount of data that can be transmitted along a channel over a period of time usually expressed as bits per second.
Banner Ad is an advertisement on a website or blog that usually links to another website, blog or landing page.
Blog is where persons usually go to share information and personal thoughts on a regular basis via publications, questions, comments etc.
I have been making money from affiliate marketing for a couple of years now. I recently bought this book. I honstly did not think I would be learning anything new. I was so wrong. This book is packed with information - I learned so many new things. Glad I bought the book.