Nov 9, 2010

Why You Should Take Your Marketing Campaign To Facebook?

Facebook was founded in 2004 and is a social networking site facilitating efficient, reliable and fast communication between friends, family and coworkers. People can communicate with each other via the use of chat, wall posts, personal messages and status updates in a fairly safe and trusted environment.

Facebook has grown very rapidly over the years and now boasts over 500 million active users making it more attractive to advertisers, and for marketing campaigns. In fact Facebook is becoming or has already become one the hot new spots to generate traffic. Lots of companies including BIG FORTUNE FIVE COMPANIES are now using Facebook in their marketing campaigns.

,,,,,,,, Everyone and every other company have a fan page these days.

Some Facebook Developments and Facts worth taking note of.

  • In Early 2010 Facebook became the most visited and trafficked website in the USA, overtaking Google in the process.
  • Facebook today is unarguably the most popular and powerful website in the world.
  • Google now recognises Facebook as its only huge threat and a very serious competitor.
  • Facebook now has over 500 million active users.
  • If Facebook was a country it would be the third largest country in the world.
  • There are over 200 million active users currently accessing Facebook through their mobile devices.
  • People are spending in excess of 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook.
  • There are now more than 500,000 active applications currently integrated on the Facebook Platform.
  • There are more than one million websites that have integrated with the Facebook Platform
  • The Average facebook user is connected to 80 community pages, groups and events.

Taking into consideration all the facts and recent developments listed above, it would make perfect sense that you take your marketing campaign to FACEBOOK. It’s the best place to get targeted leads and you can even start BUILDING YOUR LIST via the use of fan pages, groups and your friend list.
..................By now we all know the importance of a LIST.

There are fan pages and groups on almost any topic imaginable making it easier for you to find and promote to your target audience, people who are interested in what you have to offer. Facebook ads are fairly cheap and less saturated than Google ads and the leads generated have been proven to be more laser targeted.

Facebook if used correctly can be one of the easiest, cheapest and fastest ways to generate traffic to your products and your websites. Without TRAFFIC your business will not succeed hence it is very important that you get your products or website in front of the traffic, and that is on Facebook. Remember Facebook is now the biggest source of traffic on the internet and it’s FREE for the most part until you decide to start using Facebook ads. Be sure to make use of this wonderful opportunity now as Nothing lasts forever.


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