Attraction marketing can be described as the process of selling yourself and positioning yourself as a leader attracting more persons to you in the process. This is a marketing technique that has grown in popularity over the years and is now very frequently used by affiliate marketers and network marketers alike. Mastering the art of attraction marketing takes time but when you do it could be priceless to you and your affiliate business. You have to learn how to position yourself as a leader or expert in your field if you want to acheive the level of success you truly deserve.
So the question is How Do You Position Yourself As a Leader?
Well you have to be willing to lead, give and teach.You need to focus on selling yourself and what you can offer instead of focussing on selling the products you are promoting. You have to build relationships and become active on social networking sites. Everyone is on Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and you need to be there meeting and chatting with new people every day. You have to find out what your target market wants and provide those solutions. Share useful information with everyone you meet online and be very willing to answer all their questions. You have to have a strong internet presence.
And How Do You Build A Strong Internet Presence?
Make positive and valued contributions in forums, groups,blogs and question and answer sites. In fact you should use all the mediums available to build up your online presence such as videos, articles, joint ventures, blogging, etc.The bigger presence you have online the more attractive you will be in the eyes of others. ASK YOURSELF THIS, Who do you admire in your niche? Who do you want to do business with? The obvious ANSWER is The ones who are successful, The ones who have the internet presence, the traffic, the formula. The ones who have the popular sites, big fan pages, big facebook groups or best selling ebooks. The top bloggers. You want to associate with the Gurus and the Gurus all have a few things in common, they have a huge internet presence and they have MASTERED the art of Attraction Marketing. They are on all the social networking sites with huge followings, and they continue to attract persons to them. Everyone wants to do a joint venture with them.
THINK ABOUT THIS if we are all promoting the same products there must be something that determines why a prospect or lead will be willing to buy from someone else instead of you. The person who is perceived as having and giving the most VALUE will get that sale.
When you have mastered the art of Attraction Marketing you will have loyal customers yearning and begging for your products and services. Now they want to do what you do and do what you tell them to do. You have gained their trust and you now have a loyal following. When you have mastered the art of Attraction Marketing you will stand out from the crowd. You NO LONGER have to pursue every prospect or lead but instead let some of them pursue you.Pretty soon you will have people running to you begging you for information instead of you chasing after them.
In summary the basic things you need to do to attract others to you are:
- You need to give value. The more you give, the more you will receive.
- You need to build relationships. Build stronger longer lasting relationships and you will be more trustworthy and people will follow you.
- You need to position yourself as a leader. People like leaders, People follow leaders.
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